Bethel Second Baptist Church
Reverend Brian L. Harvey, Pastor
2025 Church Theme
"Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus"
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2
Deacon Ministry of Bethel Second Baptist Church
Our Mission:
Serve Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ by conducting the caring ministry of the church-doing the benevolence work, visiting the sick, being alert to the spiritual needs of the congregation for the purpose of freeing the Pastoral staff to focus on prayer and the Ministry of the Word, promoting unity within the church, and facilitating the spread of the gospel.
From left to right
Deacon Douglas Black
Deacon Clifford Davis
Pastor Brian Harvey (podium)
Deacon George Foster
Deacon Michael Davis, Chair
Deacon Tim Jacobs
Minister Gino Smith
Deacon Jerry Warner
Deacon George Thomas, Vice
Deacon Vincent Alexander
Deacon personal contact information provided upon personal request.
Church Officers
Reverend Brian L. Harvey, Pastor (Christian Education)
Deacon Chair/Laymen Michael Davis
Church Secretary/Media, Ester Thompson
Church Clerk, E. Joyce Fielder-Davis
Deaconess, Jonell Thomas (Chair)
Financial Secretary, Cassandria Branch
Announcing Clerk, Janet Allen
Assistant Christian Education, Jeane Spencer
Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, Queen McGary
Music (Committee Pastor Harvey, Mona Morgan, Jeane Spencer, Ester Thompson)
Minister of Music ~ Vacant
Voices of Bethel Choir Director, Mona Morgan
Mission & Woman's Department, Bessie Fletcher
Usher Ministry, George Thomas
Assistant Usher Ministry, E. Joyce Fielder
Food Service, Graciela Hunt
Assistant Food Service, Gwen Henry
Media (Ester Thompson, George Thomas, Jovanna Thomas, Alex Paz)
Youth Director, Kimberly Harvey
Assistant, Vacant
3rd Sunday is Youth Sunday. Youth Ushers are on duty, youth devotion, and Youth Choir render Proclamation in Song for morning worship.